Thursday, January 20, 2011

Do you have hormoneimbalance symptoms?

The figures above appropriately explains why many women are experiencing the symptoms of menopause currently. And if you are one of the 40 million women who are feeling the discomfort associated with menopause, then it pays to understand the facts.
Just exactly what is menopause? It can be defined as the cessation of menstruation for a full year. Menopause represents the end of a woman's reproductive years, and usually happens naturally around age 51 or 52 when the ovaries stop producing estrogen.
There are some women, however, who experience menopause immediately - this happens when their ovaries are surgically removed. Notwithstanding the time of the experience, menopause indeed has a big impact on women's health, mental state of mind and quality of life.
There were about nine million American women who were still taking some form of Premarin in November of 2003. One of its forms is PremPro. Another one, Premari- stands for Pregnant Mares' Urine (PREgnant MARes' urINe); PMU for short. These are both synthetic hormones.
The release of the WHI results had an impact on the above-mentioned statistics. There was a reduction of 25 percent of the approximately 12 million women taking PMU based medications in 1999.
The facts suggest that among the 55 million post-menopausal women in the United States, around 1/3 of them are on estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) or hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Of this number, around 49 percent currently use "PMU" based products, which are down from a high of 79 percent in 1999.
There are still plenty of women who do not understand hormone therapy, and for those women who are scared, and still don't take any Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), the concept of natural bio-identical hormones is becoming more interesting. And with so many products available, even that has become perplexing. The fact that the government is controlling all bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) remedies adds to all this quandary.
Women no longer have to be baffled about hormone replacement therapy. People have gotten used to talking about bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in menopause medicine. There's a confusion in the use of the terms, though, because hormones aren't really bio-identical. Natural hormones aren't bio-identical until the body can recognize them as hormones, and they're not considered restoration unless what has been lost is truly replaced. They can be mimicked, but they're not identical. Furthermore, they can't be replaced, instead, they can be restored. Lastly,hormone therapy needs to be rhythmic, or biomimetic, for it to become truly accurate.
What is the difference between biomimitec hormones and bio-identical hormones? Simply put, biomimetic hormones are those that are derived from natural sources and have the capability to mimic the natural undulating rhythms of the hormone blood levels in a normal menstrual period. Undulating is to cause to move in a smooth wavelike motion.
Bio-identical hormone compounds need to be presented biomimetically for them to be biologically as authentic as human hormones. Recognition at the receptor cites are largely about presentation (like serum level, timing and molecular structure.)
The accurate terminology then is biomimitec hormone restoration therapy - it is biomimetic and it mimics the rise and fall of hormone blood levels during a normal menstrual cycle. That is Biomimetic - not bio-identical.
The most recent treatment for women in menopause is multi-phasic rhythmic dosing of bio-mimetic hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) using natural hormones in a bio-mimetic way. Over 2 million women in the U.S. utilize customized hormones for menopause symptoms.


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